Entries by admin

Teacher’s Day Celebration

ARIBA, COED! As part of the World Teachers’ Month Celebration,ICF College of Education graced an event that made everyone appreciates its real essence and understands deeper the reasons why they should give honor, respect and importance to each and every of their mentors. For being a teacher is indeed a noble profession, thus it is […]

Intramurals (FinMan’s Perspective)

Every year, the Interworld Colleges Foundation Inc. celebrates their annual Intramurals with the theme of “PALIGSAHANG PAMPALAKASAN” in which all the students are encouraged to participate in sports to showcase their talents and skills. This year, the Intramurals was officially opened and held on September 10’2019 at the Paniqui People’s Park with the participation of […]


ICF OUTREACH PROGRAM at St. Joseph Home for Special Children   December 29 is our school president’s birthday. This year, instead of celebrating her birthday with the usual pompous birthday party rich with food and music, she decided to journey far beyond the ordinary eye’s travel pilgrimage to the far-flung St. Joseph Home for Special […]


On November 16, 2018 at Room A-1 was held the Orientation of new enrollees and transferees from other schools.  Dr. FLORENTINA F. AQUINO, College Guidance Counselor, and Mr. ROLLY JOHN CUENCO, Adviser of the Student Body Organization were the speakers.  Dr. Aquino opened the activity with a prayer.  One of the students conducted the singing […]

Veterans Bank, “A bank with a heart for every Filipino”.

The selected 3rd year finman students namely: Camilo Idio III (leader of the group), Maria Concepcion Manlulu, Nancy Bautista, Jane Marzan, and Divine Hilario presented the bank of choice—Veterans Bank, “A bank with a heart for every Filipino”. After a long preparation together with the Dean of College of Business and Accountancy – BSBA Financial […]